Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 9, 2012

2 months old!

Last Sunday, June 3rd, Jackbaby turned 2MONTHS old!!!  And lemme just tell ya...he is changing by the day, it's CRAAAAZY!  Lemme also just tell ya, our little guy is not so little anymore; he's no longer preemie size...WAAHOOOO!  Do I wish my child to grow so quickly?  Um no.  However, we CAN celebrate exactly 5 POUNDS (YESSSS...FIVE) of weight gain since leaving the hospital because he can fit into so many things now and it is not a daily struggle to dress him and find something that actually fits.

his new hobby...smiling.  Like Buddy the Elf, it's his favorite :)

Stats - Jack Robert Thomas - 2months
Weight: 10lbs, 12oz. (25th percentile - up 5lbs exactly since leaving the hospital and up from the 10th percentile at 1month)
Height: 22" (up 3" from birth) 
Head: 39cm (up 5cm from birth; and 3cm from 1month checkup)

He handled his doctor's appointment like a champ!  We were pretty nervous and thankfully, B took off of work to be there with me so I wouldn't have to endure it alone.  The nurse came in, gave Toots his shots quickly and he flinched, let out a little yelp and wimper and then was back to chillin'...he was AWESOME!  Then, since Daddy had off work, we took advantage and spent the rest of the day at the pool!  YAY!

LIKES/ DISLIKES: Jackman LOVES being in Mommy's arms or on Mommy's lap; he loves being fussed over by everyone; he likes baths, but HATES getting lotion put on; has a love/hate relationship with his bouncy/vibrating seat; likes watching TV with Mom while I'm pumping, but hates if it takes too long; likes sitting in his own chair at the table with Mommy and Daddy as we eat; HATES being on his back; loves sleeping on his tummy; LOVES the birds on his bouncy seat and Mr. Monkey and Mr. Owl in his carrier; has a love/hate relationship with getting dressed; HATES having hiccups...and he has them all. the. time.  Hallelujah for Gripe Water!

FIRSTS: sleeping pretty much through the night; tracking people with his eyes as they speak; being babysat by Nanny, Shawnee, Prissy, and Poppy while Mommy goes to grad classes; sleeping on the back patio by the pool at Nanny and Poppy's; visits to the pool; Mommy's first Mother's Day; shots at the Dr; visit here with Papaw without Mamaw :(

CLOTHES: completely in 0-3months as all his newborn clothes are farrrr too small...and he looks so dang cute in all his clothes...he's precious!

DIAPERS: size 1 - we've switched brands too as we find that Huggies cater to a better form fit than the Pampers did

MOVEMENT: he can hold his head up for lengthy periods of time; he's still pretty wobbly with it, but you can see such progress and he's so proud of himself!  He is also almost there with the rolling over...he is so stinkin' close and we know it's gonna happen any day now!

TRICKS: he can see much better now and loves to watch us; he gurgles, smiles, and laughs when he's happy; he's making new sounds and cooing; he is fascinated with his hands and keeps them in his mouth; he can hold his head up much better; Jack is awake longer during the day and sleeps MUCH longer during the night.

PERSONALITY: he's such a little lovebug as he loves being snuggled and he is quite the little ham!  You can really tell that he has such a sunny disposition with life and is pretty go with the flow.  He typically is only ever fussy when he's really hungry or if he's super sleepy and that's at the end of the day.  He is developing quite the little personality and it is so neat to watch. Jack has become so alert and so aware of things in his environment and he is responding to everything around him.  It can be pretty hilarious to see his facial expressions!  He was "fake" fussing a few days ago just because he wanted to snuggle with Mommy and I was getting dressed, so I got down at eye level with him and just smiled in his face, and he started "fake" fussing and laughing at the same was so dang cute!

EATING: he typically eats 3 ounces every 2.5 to 3 hours, except at his bedtime bottle which is 4ounces and if he wakes up in the night.

SLEEPING: Jackbaby takes a LOOONNNNG nap during the day which is nice for some pool time (tee-hee).  Seriously though, he will sleep after his lunch bottle from around 12/12:30 - 3/3:30 and I usually have to wake him up from that.  During the night, he will sleep at least 6-7 hours at a time and we are stretching that by the is such a nice improvement and adjustment and we are quite thrilled with it!!!

6/6:30 wake-up and breakfast bottle#1
6/6:30 - 9/9:30 back to bed/ snuggle time with Mommy on the couch in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom's sitting room
9/9:30 - wake-up for day and breakfast bottle#2
9:30 - 12/12:30 - hangout and playtime with Mommy
12/12:30 - lunch bottle
12:30 - down for nap
3/3:30 - afternoon bottle (we call it a "Jack Snack")
3:30/4:00 - 4:30/5:00 playtime
4:30/5:00 - 6:00 nap number 2
6:00 Dinner bottle
6:30 - 7:45 playtime and hang out with Daddy home from work; sit at dinner table with Mom and Dad
7:45/8:00 - bath and storytime
8:00/8:15 bedtime bottle
8:15/8:30 BED (he usually wakes up between at least 2:30 and 4; sometimes even later and then goes back down and we start our schedule over)

NICKNAMES: Toots; Bubby Wubby (or just "Wubby" for short); Boo; Jackrabbit; Cookie Monster

FUN FACTS: Jackman sleeps on his stomach every single night (this has been the sleep answer for us!); he sends a text message to Mamaw every morning to say, "Happy Day!" and so she can see him grow; Jackbaby LOVES his Prissy and his Nanny; when Jack gets scared or upset, he sticks his bottom lip out and it quivers and it is just so dang cute...and heartbreaking too :(

WHAT'S ON OUR SCHEDULE: Daddy's first Father's Day; Papaw's 60th birthday!; "Redneck Weekend" (an annual get together of the Thomases, Morels, Blanks, and Stones...oh so fun!!!); and Jackbaby FINALLY gets to meet his Uncle Roo (my big bub, Zach) who's been living in China for the past year and a half...CANNOT WAIT to see him!!!!

this is his reaction to the birds hanging on his bouncy seat.  Everytime.

Jack's BEAUTIFUL Aunt Priss!


sweet precious sleeping bebe

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